BMSEED is committed to driving innovation and creating a positive impact on the biomedical research community. Our mission is to develop and provide state-of-the-art devices that empower researchers, biomedical scientists, and healthcare professionals to push the boundaries of scientific discovery. Through our cutting-edge technologies, including stretchable microelectrode arrays and advanced cell-stretching systems, we aim to facilitate more effective and efficient biomedical studies. Our focus is on supporting the advancement of biomedical science, fostering collaboration, and enabling groundbreaking research that can transform healthcare. Whether through partnerships, product innovation, or knowledge sharing, BMSEED is dedicated to shaping the future of biomedicine.
Reach Out to BMSEED
Contact us at BMSEED if you're interested in the MEASSuRE system. Our team will walk you through how this tool can support and enhance your research.
BMSEED Presenting at 2019 Neurotrauma Meeting
BMSEED will present at the 2019 Society for Neurotrauma meeting in Pittsburgh, PA.
BMSEED Presenting at 2018 Society for Neuroscience Conference
BMSEED will present at the 2018 Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego, CA.
BMSEED Receives Phase II SBIR Award from NIH
BMSEED received a Phase II SBIR award from the NIH for the commercialization of stretchable microelectrode arrays.
BMSEED Presenting at 2018 MEA Meeting
BMSEED will present at the 2018 MEA Meeting hosted by the Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) in Reutlingen, Germany.
BMSEED Featured in the Phoenix Business Journal (2018)
The Phoenix Business Journal writes about BMSEED’s acceptance to the 2018 MassChallenge Accelerator Program in Boston.
BMSEED Accepted as Finalist for 2018 MassChallenge Accelerator Program
BMSEED will compete in the 2018 MassChallenge Accelerator Program in Boston, MA.
BMSEED Presenting at 2018 Biophysical Society Conference
BMSEED will be presenting at the 62nd Biophysical Society Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA.
BMSEED Presenting at 2017 Society for Neuroscience Conference
BMSEED will present at the 2017 Society for Neuroscience Conference in Washington, DC.
BMSEED Featured in the Phoenix Business Journal (2017)
The Phoenix Business Journal highlights how incubators are providing life to Arizona startups such as BMSEED.
BMSEED Selected as Participant in NIH I-Corps Program & Awarded $50,000
BMSEED was selected as a participant in the NIH I-Corps program and was awarded a $50,000 supplement to their SBIR.
BMSEED Selected as Semifinalist for Spring 2017 Arizona Innovation Challenge
BMSEED is one of 25 semifinalists to compete in the Spring 2017 Arizona Innovation Challenge.
BMSEED Selected for Flinn Foundation Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program & Awarded $30,000
BMSEED is one of seven Arizona biosciences startups selected to participate in the 2017 Flinn Foundation Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program.
BMSEED Accepted as Finalist in 2017 Venture Madness
BMSEED was selected by Invest Southwest to be among the Top 64 startup companies in the 2017 Venture Madness competition.
BMSEED Named One of the Top 500 Startups Worldwide
BMSEED was selected as one of the Top 500 startups worldwide by the 2016 Hello Tomorrow Challenge.
BMSEED Awarded $568,982 Phase I SBIR from NINDS
BMSEED received a Phase I SBIR from NINDS to develop a novel electrode array for electrocorticography to improve brain-machine interfaces and outcomes of epilepsy surgeries ($568,982).