In Vitro Research Tools to Better Predict In Vivo Behavior
Reproduce Cellular Biomechanics in vitro Using Stretchable Microelectrodes: Electrophysiology & Imaging to More Accurately Represent in vivo Behavior
MEASSuRE: 3 methods, 1 tool
Reproduces the electrical and mechanical environment of cells in the body. Using BMSEED’s proprietary stretchable microelectrode arrays (sMEAs), this tool combines electrophysiology, mechanical stretching, and imaging to produce more accurate, relevant data.
Stretchable MicroElectrode Array
Our stretchable MultiElectrode Arrays are incorporated with the MEASSuRE system. They provide the only method for researchers to manipulate chemical, electrical, & mechanical factors independently to more closely replicate the complexity of the human body.
What Our Customers Say
“Easiness for acquiring electrical signal in a non-invasive manner.”
-A. Patino, Ph.D. Arizona State University
“The most valuable thing is that we can record from cells multiple times…injure and record on the same device.”
-M.K. Dwyer, M.S. Columbia University
“Tuneable parameters and very fast to use.”
-A. Pybus, Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology
a) organotypic hippocampal slice cultures (OHSCs), long-term potentiation (LTD) & long-term depression (LTD) induced post-injury; b) primary hippocampal neurons (PHNs) & brain tissue tolerance to traumatic brain injury (TBI); c) organotypic spinal cord slice cultures (OSCSCs) & cypin regulated pain sensitivity after spinal cord injury (SCI); d) human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs), hiPSC-CM differentiation; e) neurons, astrocytes, & microglia, pro-inflammatory signaling & immune response to mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)
Accurate Data
Simulate the cell’s natural environment in the body to generate more relevant in vitro data.
Efficient Workflow
Concurrently apply multiple paradigms with MEASSuRE to save time, money, and research animals.
Unrivaled Results
Better predict clinical outcomes by eliminating drug candidates early & reduce failure rate in clinical trials.
BMSEED Publications
M. K. Dwyer, N. Amelinez-Robles, I. Polsfuss, K. Herbert, C. Kim, N. Varghese, T. J. Parry, B. Buller, T. A. Verdoorn, C. B. Billing Jr, B. Morrison III
Experimental Neurology, 2024, 371, 114608
Alterations in Hippocampal Network Activity after In Vitro Traumatic Brain Injury
W. H. Kang, W. Cao, O. Graudejus, T. Patel, S. Wagner, D. Meaney, B. Morrison III
Journal of Neurotrauma, 2015, 32(13), 1011-1019
Z. Yu, O. Graudejus, C. Tsay, S. P. Lacour, S. Wagner, B. Morrison
Journal of Neurotrauma, 2009, 26(7):1135-1145
Integrating Cellular Biomechanics with Electrophysiology
Instrumentation fo Life Science Research to Better Predict In Vivo Behavior
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